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Investment Opportunities
Investment Opportunities

University Linked High School
A university high school for local, regional and international students with linkages to James Cook University that will enable accelerated progress and enhanced pathways to tertiary education.

Multi-deck Carpark
A range of sites have been identified as suitable for multi-level parking structures that will play an important role in servicing micro-precincts within TropiQ.

Hotel Accommodation
Various accommodation investment opportunities will support those travelling to TropiQ, by providing short and medium stay accommodation options.

Office Accommodation Tower
Modern office-style accommodation for various organisations, including healthcare providers, research institutions, start-ups, and educational facilities.

Private Hospital
A multi-stage private hospital development is proposed that will encourage clinical training, strengthen research partnerships and improve access to care for local communities.

Commercial Space
A mixed-use clinical building primarily to cater for medical and allied health services and training.